Saturday, May 17, 2008

"Stagnant" is one of those words where it makes you feel it's meaning. It's almost uncomfortable to say. Everyone who reads this, say it out loud right now. Stagnant. Say it again. Stagnant.

What an awful word. It is almost as lackluster and annoying to speak aloud as the situations it describes.

It is what I have been feeling lately.

I keep getting into this vicious circle of "Oh, I will be happy when ____ happens", or "I just have to wait for ______ to get life going." I am having a hard time actually getting myself to live.

I am writing music, and letting it sit on my computer, going to waste. I am creating story lines, and leaving them to rot in my head. I am painting pictures that never get to canvas. My creativity is nearly nonexistent. I feel like a lesser version of the person I thought I was.
I intend to finish one song before the month is through. Chris, you're the only one who reads this. So, hold me to that, okay?

Anyway, I'm hoping something will pry me from this weird mindset I'm in. Do they make a mental jaws of life? I need that.

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